Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I know, you´ve all been waiting for the story, the impressions, the magic and the juicy stuff. I´m really having a hard time to start writing, because I don´t really know what to write. On this trip so many things happened, and I mean how can you tell people about it you aren´t really sure what went on yourself? What lead to some situations and why some people acted as they acted.

When you are disappointed in some (yeah, I know you are disappointed when it comes to me too, and I´m not blind, everything is not alright, it´s almost insulting if think that I don´t get that´s it not alright), and maybe even disappointed in yourself, in the way you handled stuff.

A really smart girl told me a saying in the beginning of this week, which is really good, the "proper" one in english isn´t that good as the original, but it goes something like "
If you chase two rabbits, you will get none".

Reality check, if you care for something, do now play two fields in the same time... Which I really didn´t...kinda... But end of the story about that..lets go forward, forget what happened, just don´t resolve it, because it is much easier, to live as it never happened as to really talk about why the situation arose...

Anyways, I´ll take a short break for a coffee latte (I love being back home with my Caffissimo maschine ;P) and then I´ll start to print down the happenings of Zakopane Ski Jumping World Cup 2011 :)


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