Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Planica Team Area Party 2011

I wouldn´t say that I´m lazy with the writing, but honeslty the last 3 weeks have been so intense, that I really haven´t had the time to sit down and write about the trips. A lot of people asks me about Planica and mostly about the Team Area Party that is always hold on Saturday, straight after the team competion in the Team Area. The teams gets a couple of wristbands each which they can give away to the people they wish attend this "event".

Every county has their own stand with their specialties, which means food and alcoholic beverages (you can see parts of the polish stand here with cytrynowka, sliwowica, oscypki, smalec etc.).

So you don´t really have to ask if everyone is sober, because most of the people there aren´t..hehe.. This also includes the jumpers, hey give them a break they are people too!

Just look at Kasia, trying to take a pic, but making a video instead..hrhr... (btw. the pic to the left, you should have seen my Miss Sity-vest afterwards..haha... chocolate all over the place, thanks Manner! ;P But what don´t you do for a good pic :P)

This video is a light version, I have a much much better video of a friend of ours, but she would kill me if I would post it..hehe...

It´s hard to explain, or not explain, but re-tell the team area party, because its just a lot of fun, everyone is relaxed, its a "closed" party, so (most) people feel like they can just be themselves. No press or media (almost, only under restricted cirrcumstanses they are aloud to film or take pictures for the printed press).

We, or I spent the most time with the PST, or probably as you can see on the pics with Muba (yes, its not a spelling mistake..hehe.. :P) aka Mufinek & Ciacho. Not asurprice for many people maybe..hehe... And btw. I love the kid of Robert Mateja, like the cutest kiddo in the world!

C: Why Cup-Cake and not like only cake or something?
V: Babe, because when Strolzi asked me what Ciacho ment, I wasn´t totally sober and my immediate translation was Cup-Cake, which more accurate means "Mufinek" and not Ciacho. So if you like you can get another nick-name too, Mufinek?! :P
C: Well, great, Mufinek. No, thanks I prefer Ciacho :P
M: Mufinek is not bad.
V: Great, then from now on you are Mufinek, Muba ;D
M: GREAT! I like it :D

I fucking love those two guys

The party started directly after the competition, so about 12-13? and we went home like 17-18, and people still stayed.

The full photo-story you have here:



  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    First of all I was not drunk, but second of all, I don;t remember that moment :/

  2. I think that tells all :P

  3. Anonymous12:06 AM

    dawaj zdjecie z Gregorem ;d

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    jak zdjęć z Gregorem nie ma ;p

  5. Justtt4:58 PM

    Swietne zdjęcia :) pozdrawiam :)

  6. nie mam z Gregorem fotek :P

  7. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Ladnie razem z Ciachem wygladacie :) Widac ze cos iskrzy.

  8. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Jaki tytuł jest tej piosenki w filmiku ze zdjęciami ?
    Fajne fotki ;D


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