Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wisla is over, now in Krakow

So we left Wisla after quite hard night and days there ;) Last night was like the craziest thing I've ever experienced by ski jumping, and I've been through a lot..hehe...

The most sad thing was Mario's fall and injury, I literally started to cry on the hill which was quite embarrassing, but I just couldn't help my self. He has such a bad luck :( And he was in such pain, and thereto I just hate all what hospitals, ambulances etc is...

So I´m in Krakow for 2 days now, and on Tuesday we are heading for Planica :)

Full story coming up :)



  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    This photo is horrible! :(

    But hey it's not embarrassing !!! No - not at all !

  2. Karolina:)3:01 PM

    Witaj w "moim" Krakowie ;)

  3. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Vicky dobrze wyglądasz:)


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