Saturday, April 09, 2011

Sunny Saturday :)

Today is was really great to go down to the beach, buy a cold drink at Espresso House and sit on the "pier" in the sun. While waiting in the long cue to get to buy our drinks I left Trewor by a pole...

After like 5 minutes I hear the woman infront of us saying "Ojdå¨, här kommer en hund ja"= "Whoopsie, here comes a dog". I immediatly knew it was Trewor, and there he came totally happy that he had manage to get out of his harness...haha... So I took him back, totally ashamed of my dog and then he just barked the whole time until we got our drinks and got him..gaaaH. EMBARRASSING!

Now we are at home, I need to get ready for Karro´s Birthday Party, and I only have one hour because Kayt is coming at 18 for some tacos :P

So talk to you later!


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