Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vad mycket man kan få gjort...

Jacket: Tally Weijl, Dress: STOCKH LM, Shoes: Michael Kors, Bag: Chloé, Sunglasses: D&G

..när man vaknar tidigt..hehe... 8.45 ringde klockan *ZzZzz*, snoozade i knappt 15 min innan jag gick upp och fixade i ordning mig för att köra iväg till stan och möta upp Karro for some breakfast. Joe & Juicebar was my pick, but Karro totally wanted to eat at Espresso House, so I only took an Green Passion ice tea :)

We had a nice 2h chat before I bought some coffee and lunch for my dad and drove to give it to him.

I just noticed that I jumped from writing in swedish to english...hahahaha... To little sleep ;)

I also put on my new Michael Kors shoes, which I ADOOORE


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Vicky, dlaczego ty zawsze tak scickasz kolana? wyglądają jakby się skleiły.


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