Friday, August 19, 2011

At the Veterinary

Vaccination time for Trewor... First I needed to find a vet, I mean I´ve only had to deal with horse vets before, so don´t know any vets for small animals in Malmö except the big clinic and I hate to go there, because there´s always soem shit going on and everything takes forever...

It wasn´t easy to find, because the address wasn´t even in my GPS, but thank God my Blackberry and its GPS function ;) Trewor was really brave, but he didn´t like the syringes (btw I can never spell this word, always need to check it up in google translate :P), and two sticks was up.

And he needs to loose some weight (which I´ve been telling my parents, but they keep giving him "extras"). Not talking about the amount of money it cost before we could leave... 80€!!!


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