It all sounded good, they already had all of my info, and it was true that I applied for the lottery years back. They gave me my VIP ID, and the phone-number where I could reach them if there was any problems, which sounded good. It started to get weird when they wanted my credit-card number, and I said no, I wouldn't give it out over the phone. So the guys says he understands, but he will get someone from the security division to talk to me so that we can solve this. Like 30 sec later somone from the security gets on, and he starts to tell me that they have all my info, so there is no problem, or no worries to have. He even tell me that I have an AMEX card and if I wanna to pay with that. So I ask what the amount is 648€!!! So I just say that I'm not interested that its way too much money and I'm a student etc. "Ohh, you're a student, lets see what we can do...I see here that I can reduce it to 498€". I say that its still too much, and that I'm not interested. He starts to be aggresive, and says that he just wants to help me, that we can atleast try, when the amount won't be covered, we can try another card, for sure I have a VISA too. And once again I say that NO, so he starts to get even more aggresive, and asks me how much I can pay?! If 250€ would go. So I say no again, its too much. So he starts to yell at me that his collegue told me from the beginning that it would cost. "Yes, but I thought it would be an amount like the lottory registry in about 60$" - "Its 2011, we have a lot of paper that we will send you etc. And I've already reduced the price so much for you..." - Click. I clicked him.
And he calls back again, I didn't answer, but I was quite scared because of the fact that he had all that info about me, and also told me that last digits from my creditcard. So I called American Express and talked to them, and blocked my card.
As soon as I came home I googled VIP Green Card. I'm glad I blocked my card. Read this guy's story, where they took almost 900$ from his card. Its a Green Lottery Fraud.
NEVER EVER give away you credit card number over the phone or email!
Usch vad obehagligt! Men nej, ALDRIG ge ut sitt kortnr! Hande min tjejkompis ocksa, samma foretag tror jag, och hon gav ut det... :/ Plus att Green Card lotteriet ar ALLTID gratis!!! ALWAYS!!! Man far ingen fortur eller nanting via de dar foretagen, det ar bara en bluff. Visst, det skoter ansoken at dig men det tar 5 minuter om man gor det sjalv. Bara att fylla i namn och sana basic grejer pa USCIS hemsida! Superlatt!
ReplyDeletehar du nån länk till lotteriet? hittar inget på hemsidan nämligen. ja det var ganska scary, med tanke på att det inte gällde någon skitsumma lixom :/