Thursday, December 15, 2011

The European Championships After Party

A closed party with accreditiations only of course. Met up with some guys at Radisson Blu where the party bus left to Pinokio.

The first thing the guy letting us in to Pinokio asks me is:
- Are you legal?
- Excuse me? You are joking me, right?
- No, are you legal to get drinking tickets?
- Boy, I'm 25!! (forgot that I just had my birthday)
- Hehe...well, you don't look like it! So take it as a compliment.

We hang out jackets in and got up to get something to drink. I really liked my new dress (Kappahl's barnavdelning :P), but after dancing a bit I noticed that the dress was fine standing, but as soon I danced it went all the way over my butt. Result? I jumped into a taxi went back to my hotel, told the taxi-driver to wait for me while I changed and took the taxi back to the club. All in all about 20minutes.

Soon after that the Swedes arrived and the party really started

And then we have marcin..hihi..soo cute ..haha.. Mr Party of the night :P

Let the rest stay untold ;) But enjoy some of the pics :)



  1. Fining! Gud vad brun du ar!!

  2. Anonymous4:03 PM

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  3. Anonymous1:48 AM

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