Mötley Crüe - The Dirt - Bekännelser från världens mest ökända rockband.
Boken gick sjukt fort att läsa ut. Nästan 600 sidor och en vecka tog det. Boken är svår att förklara, man vill skratta och gråta samtidigt. Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars och Nikki Sixx har inte haft superlätta barndomar, men det är deras ungdomsår och tidiga vuxenliv som är tragiskt. Boken har praktiskt taget inga spärrar och det berättas i detalj vad man gjort med olika groupies, allt knark som intogs och hur skitigt man levde.
Det som förvånar mig mest är dessa tjejer, som låter sig förnedras så kupiöst för ingenting. Jag förstår inte hur man kan ha så pass lite respekt för sig själv (eller rättare sagt ingen alls). Att killar kan bete sig som svin är en sak, men man behöver jue faktiskt inte göra allt de säger. Det är jue ingen som tvingar en till det.
Whiskey and porn stars, hot reds and car crashes, black leather and high heels, overdoses and death. This is the life of Mötley Crüe, the heaviest drinking, hardest fighting, most oversexed and arrogant band in the world. Their unbelievable exploits are the stuff of rock 'n' roll legend. They nailed the hottest chicks, started the bloodiest fights, partied with the biggest drug dealers, and got to know the inside of every jail cell from California to Japan. They have dedicated an entire career to living life to its extreme, from the greatest fantasies to the darkest tragedies. Tommy married two international sex symbols; Vince killed a man and lost a daughter to cancer; Nikki overdosed, rose from the dead, and then OD'd again the next day; and Mick shot a woman and tried to hang his own brother.
But that's just the beginning. Fueled by every drug they could get their hands on and obscene amounts of alcohol, driven by fury and headed straight for hell, Mötley Crüe raged through two decades, leaving behind a trail of debauched women, trashed hotel rooms, crashed cars, psychotic managers, and broken bones that has left the music industry cringing to this day. All these unspeakable acts, not to mention their dire consequences, are laid bare in The Dirt.
Here is the unexpurgated version of the whole glorious, gut-wrenching story. In these pages, published for the first time anywhere, are Tommy Lee's letters to Pamela Anderson from prison: Mick's confession to having an incurable disease that is slowly killing him; Vince's experience burying his own daughter -- and the train wreck that his life became afterward; and Nikki's anguished struggle to deal with an entire life fueled by anger over his childhood abandonment, his discovery of the family he never knew he had -- and his subsequent loss of them. And all of it accompanied by scores of rare, never-before-published photographs, mug shots, and handwritten lyrics. No one is spared. Not David Lee Roth, Ozzy Osbourne, Vanity, Aerosmith, Heather Locklear, AC/DC, Lita Ford, Iron Maiden, Pamela Anderson, Guns N' Roses, Donna D'Errico, RATT, or those two girls from Dallas, Texas.
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