Tuesday, March 12, 2013

At London Heathrow waiting for my connecting flight

People say a lot of bad things about London Heathrow Airport, I personally don't really get it. I really like this airport and I've never had problems here. Sitting at Starbucks right now, drinking an iced cappucchino on soya milk (yeah, I still don't like their coffee, but after about 2h of sleep this night, it goes down). And its quite cheap at this airport with food & drinks. I mean I got a large iced cappucchino on soya milk & a big chocolate chip cookie for less than 5£. In Sweden (not even talking about the airport) you wouldn't have got even a large coffee at Starbucks for that price.

My flight to Rio leaves in less than 2h. 
 Damn, I look puffy after almost no sleep :/

Follow Me on Twitter VicktoriaM

1 comment:

  1. Du ar sa sot sa! :)

    Ja Starbucks i Sverige och DK ar outrageous!


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