Saturday, November 16, 2013

My camera & cellphone got stolen

Welcome to Brazil. So we went out on Thursday. First to the CS-meeting then to Café da Mar. We got our regular lounge, in the corner, but then after a while the people wanted to change for the middle one to get together with other people, I wasn't happy about that (I like my space). Anyways, even though the champs were flowing, I wasn't really drunk. Dancing on the sofas and just having fun, deviating some attention, and hands off me (like leave me alone, I'm good up here all by myself). 

Something I never do when I'm out it leaving my purse NEVER. So I don't know why I this night decided it was a good idea to put my purse behind me together with my jacket. Because when I took the purse when I wanted to leave, it was light. So my cell-phone and camera was gone. I freaked out, like WTF?!?! Obviously first checking if my ID, credit card and home keys where still in there. Luckily the bastard was nice enought to leave it, just taking the camera, phone and some money, I would have been so screwed otherwise.

Obviosly I go to the promoter and he goes "hmm, not my problem". Like "are you fucking kidding me with this attitude?!?! You know how much money we spend in this fucking place every week?!" - I was furious, and he just walked away. I just wanted to leave, obviously not standing in a fucking line to pay went to the register, give her my card to pay and she goes "Sorry, we don't take this card anymore". Saaay what?!? I always pay with this card here. But no, they changed it from one week to another, not putting any fucking signs up. In that moment I wanted to kill someone. After having a fight with her, calling her a bunch of stuff, they told me to go to the entrance were the girls let people in.

 So I tell them the story, about the phone, camera, the fucking attitude the promoter had, that they change payment methods and not put anything up about it, like WTF?!?! That me and my friends always spend probably more money than anyone else there, and right now I just fucking wanna go home. So they girl checks my account there (you have to register to get in, like in casinos and stuff), so she can see exactly how often I go there, how much I spend. So she tells me just to leave, that it's fine, and they'll just scrap this bill. Which obviously was nice though it was over 100RS.

So yeah I had a great night, or it actually was really good until the end of it.

So yesterdy I had to go to the police and today I'm going o buy a new camera. Obviously I had my old Blackberry as a back-up phone with me here, just needed to buy a new sim-card.

Follow Me on Twitter VicktoriaM!

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