Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Good Morning!

Good Morning! (or actually this is a bit of a lie, I'm still asleep, I wrote this post yesterday evening, so that you early birds have something to read before hopping to work)
There’s a lot of research around to support that having a good morning routine can lead to increased productivity.
Mornings are the foundation of our day so it makes sense that if we begin the day in a positive, productive mindset the rest of the day will follow suit.
Here are the 5 healthy habits that are good to commit to:
  1. Start the day with a glass of warm water + lemon juice. Lemons pack a powerful punch and are a great way to stimulate digestion, boost your metabolism, and improve your skin.
  2. Exercise for an hour
  3. Eat a good healthy breakfast.
  4. Read or watch something that inspires you
  5. Write down 5 things You're grateful for
Have a great week everyone!

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