Friday, May 12, 2006

*(: Andréa & Alex :)*

Hey guys,

This will be a short note from me, am on my way to a birthday-party (yes, again...hehe...). Andréa Lukic, the editor in chief @ did put me in her thurstday blogg, I thought that that was really cute and the little thing that she wrote made me glad :) I really like her too, she is a sparkly, crazy and fantastic person, indeed I haven't known her for that long, but you know these people that you feel that you immediatly click with? She is one of those for me. I really miss Stockholm, really want to go back there, but now yesterday my mum asked if I didn't want to go on a sunny vacation on May 24th, the exact date that I am planning to fly up to the big city :/ Well well, we'll see what I will do, otherwise Andréa was writing about coming to Malmö next week-end, would be great if she did!

Been shopping with my mum today, didn't buy that much though, didn't find the shoes I wanted :@. Then I had one of my phone-talks with Alex =) She had some crazy stuff to tell as usually. Especially about her life guard costume...hehe... Poor sweetie ;P But I do think she looked cute :) Or what do You guys think? She has started to blogg here too, so check her blogg out ->

Had my first day at work yesterday, 6h 30minutes without sitting and just running around with a lot of wine glases and plates in my hands/arms, pouring wine, smiling chatting, it was nice, but my feet did hurt when I finally drove back home about 23.30...

Well, it's all for me! Take Care!



  1. Haha du kunde inte hitta nån bättre bild va;) Full och ännu fullare. Och tyvärr veckans mest fotade, sånt man ska försöka undvika:S

    LAdda nu darli för sthlm! pussss

  2. nädu gumman, du e jättefin! puSSS

  3. Laddat upp balbilder nu hihi


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