Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Don't Mess With Me!

Hey Guys!

I just LOVE this wonderful sunny weather. You directly feel yourself more energetic and happy =) The last two days have been really nice. Yesterday I was out eating @ Times with Eve. I just needed to get a Ceasar Salad with shrimps *yummie*.

Today I slept until 12 *whOOps*, but I was quite tired, then I went out to the boat to sun bake a bit with Linda then we drove to Bo01, but it was a bit of windy and cold, so we went back to the boat for a while , before I went to my Bailine-appointment. Then I had a little bit of time to spill, befor I was supposted to meet Eva & Kayt so I went into Gina Tricot, which I never leave without buying anyting...hehe.. So 5 pair of white socks, one top and one pair of shorts =) I was pleased :D Though I need to do some more shopping soon, 'cause I need som new stuff, as always, my mother does not agree ;P But it is true! REALLY!!! So friday will be the day to sped some more money, e.g. I need a new pair of comfortable shoes, got a new job @ Ängavallen, which is a Restaurant and Conference/Wedding etc. place. Gonna work my first time there tomorrow :)

Then it was time for some exercising, 15 minutes on the Cross-country machine and then a class of boxing with Eva. I LOVE it! It is SO funny and you really have to give all of you, and fighting is always fun ;) ;) Eva thought about one guy when she punched...haha...

Well this is all for Me today, need some sleep before getting up you know =P Enjoy Life!


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