1. What did you first thought about when you saw yourself in the mirror this morning?
I don't think I was thinking anything special
2. How much cash do you have on you?
3. Which is the last text-message you got (the last one in every language if you have more)
German: "oh kla...doch hab ne nr von dir... aber ne andere... och, wieso sollten wir da ned reinkommen ;) ... altersbegrenzung? " (of course...I do have your nr... but another one... why shouldn't we get in ;) ... age- limit?)
Polish: "A vicky co tam! Jestem totally dead haha przespapalm sie z tym kolesiem o ktorym ci wczoraj mowilam...i niby poszlismy spac po 4 ale nie wiem czy spalam nawet 4godz :P" (a vicky what's up! I'm totally dead haha I slept with that guy I was telling you about yesterday... and we sort of went to sleep after 4 but I don't know if I even slept 4h :P)
Swedish: "Tala inte om eländet med svenskarna. Pinsamt! Tur man inte håller på dom alltså ;-) De e ju inte för det sportsliga jag hrm gillar en av dom. :)" (don't talk about the mess with the swedes. Embarassing! Fortunatly one doesn't hold for then ;-) It's not like I like one of them for their sport-skills. :) )
4. Last SMS in your outbox?
one is empty, the other one says: "Ah, ja moine österreichische. steht ja 20 an die Posters. wir hoben ja nix bezahlt. aber i bin ja blond ;P" (Ahh, yeah my austrian one, it says 20 on the posters. we didn't pay anything. but I'm blonde ;P)
5. Who is the 4th person on your calling list on your cell-phone??
Well, I have 3, so Swedish: Karo, Austrian: Voicemail, Polish, don't know where that phone is...haha...
6. Which song do you have when someone calls you?
Motorola's "Hello Motto" and on the other one "Every breath you take"
7. What do you have on your upper-body now?
Black bra, black boxor-shirt, pink Chanel sweather.
8. Who is the last celebrity you met?
Pierre Casiraghi (Prince of Monaco), tuesday night at a party in Milan.
9. Which shoe-brand is it on your shoes right now?
do only have Snoopy-socks on
10. A dark or a light room?
Svar: light, that means if I'm not supposted to sleep
11. What did you do on midnight?
Were parting in a Vivai in St. Moritz :)
12. What does the oldest SMS say that you have?
"Gdzie pobieglas? bardzo NAS to zaintrygowalo zdanie ze chomik CIE przelecial, vic tak w srodku dnia? NIEladnie. zaraz DOJEZDZAMY do BERLINA." (Where did you run? we were very intrested with that sentence, that the hamster made you, vic just like that in the middle of the day? Not nice. we are soon attending Berlin - well it's hard to translate the real meaings correctly...)
13. Which lip-gloss do you use?
Too Faced's Lip Injection Extreme and Clinique's Lip Plump & Shine
14. Which expression do you use most often?
Sicha net ;) (certainly not)
15. To whom did you say "I love you" the last time?
Honestly, I don't think that I ever said that to anyone... I will say it when I really mean it..
16. Which furry"stuff" did you touch most recently?
my blanket?
17. Which drugs have you used the last 3 days?
Only alcohol, koffein and taurine (Red Bull you know ;P)
18. Which parfume do you have on?
Gucci Envy Me
19. Which age has been the best one until now?
hee? every age has it's positive and negative aspects
20. Your worst enemy?
don't really have any, I'm a good girl ;)
21. What do you have as a desktop background right now?
A picture of myself from Nice.
22. What was the last thing you said to someone?
No to powodzenia z artykulem..hahaha.. (well, then good luck with your article...hahaha...)
23. One million dollar or the ability to fly?
the money, we do have airplanes
24. Do you like someone special right now?
25. Last song you heard?
Marie Piccasso's IDOL winning song - This Moment
26. How old where the person you last slept with?
27. How many years younger was the youngest person you've done something with?
oh, my God, what a question!!?! 1991... and we are certainly not talking about been in bed with!! and it wasn't me really, my friends younger brother jumped over me on a home-party (no he and 3 of his freinds weren't invited, they just decide to come home anyways).
28. The last taken picture of you?
Hang-over after Milan-party
hmm vilken jäkla lista! Få se om jag vågar sno den.... hahahaha
haha... :P MALIN`???
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