Ipretty much do anything they have me do because I don't care, I mean, we're filming a TV show. Let's make it interesting. Let's have a good time with it.
They tell us what to talk about, I have fun with it. They film 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' the same way.
She treats "The Hills" like work, she said. "What else would I see it as? Hanging out with my friends? That's not it. It's a job. It's pretty easy"
The thing is, if this was a reality show about my life, they would follow me going to auditions and studying with acting coaches, but they didn't want to show that because it's not glamorous. They make it seem like we have perfect lives and like we have all this money.
Everyone is trying to get story lines and create drama in their lives. It's just so...fake. There's no truth to it. At all.
Förstår inte vf Kristin gör en sån intervju?
tror helt enkelt att hon är van att säga vad hon vill.
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