Tuesday, May 04, 2010

My car is broken

So the new fucking Nissan Quashqai (I hated it from the beginning) is broken. So I left it in the Nissan garage today, something with the engine, and the car is not even 6 months old yet!

And people are surpriced that I just want to drive the "luxury" car brands... I love my Mercedes, but yeah now I want a Porsche, but anyways.
Maybe after this my dad will understand that shitty brands like Nissan is not to have, brand new or not.



  1. Gunia4:48 PM

    ja za quaszkajami (ogólnie za Nissanami ) nie przepadam.. jakieś takie dziwne... podoba mi sie Porshe Cayenne i Boxter tylko no one troche kosztuja.. najtańszy na terenie polski znalazłam do sprzedaży za jakieś 80 tys. pln i chyba był po stłuczce..a bxter chyba był za 40 tys z tego co pamiętam :) pzdr

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    do u have a car in ibk?


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