Just had a fury attack. Throwing everything around in the house. because my dad gave me car keys to a brand new Nissan SUV. The keys went flying through the whole appartment too. I don't want a fucking Nissan, he can stuck those car keys up his ass..which I also told him. slaming the door to my room...
Am I spoiled? Did I mention that he sold my blue Mercedes CLK on the go too? My parents have now one week to buy me a new car that I want...
Nothing to be mad about, if my parents gave me a car I would be happy no mather what, yea your just spoiled..
Vad hände med Cayennen han köpte precis innan du åkte då?
ML:en. Cayennen har jag inte lyckats övertala honom till. eller nu har jag. sagt ocg gjort nästa inlägg.
ML:en sålde han igen då jag inte ville ha den egentligen.
ja, jag är enebarn.
Yes. You are spoiled. I would just be HAPPY if I was given a car...no matter what it was.
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