I wrote a couple of days about a appartment that we got, and we did. I've had a couple of appartments here, so I know how everything works, and that you can't trust people. So we got the appartment and they'd sent us the contract... And I looked at it, and was just, what?
To keep it simple: The main rent were said to be 1000 euros, plus ca 250 euros running costs. The deposit were on 3 rents, so should be 3000 euros. and thereto you have to pay for the contract to be "done" and it is always ca 150 euros. So it should have looked like.
Rent: 1000 euros + ca 250 euros + electricity Deposit: 3000 euros Contract: ca 150 euros
And in the contract it looked like:
Rent 1000 euros + 270 euros + running costs + electricity (which practiculary means that he wanted 1270 euros rent, but he called it running costs, though we needed to pay running costs extra too) Deposit: 4280 euros Contract: 400 euros
So I called the guy, and was just WTF? This wasn't what was said, firstly you never pay the deposit for the running costs, because it is my thing how much I use. Secondly the rent is 1000 euros, so what is the 270 if not the running costs, if we need to pay electricity, heating also above that? He of course tried to tell me that it is always like that and so on. But sorry old man, I know how it looks, so we just told him we don't want the appartment. It's not worth thoose money. He started to say that it is cheap aso.
So this is how it looks. Been that, done that, and I've learned from my former mistakes.
Hoppas det inte är lika illa i Tyskland, men vad jag hört från dom där som hjälper mig så är det inte så.
jag tror helt enkelt att saken är den att man måste fraga ordentligt vad alla kostnader är. inte anta att allting betyder lika för alla :)
när ska du flytta?
Sista helgen i september eller första i oktober. Väntar på spelschemat. Min flytthjälp vill gå på fotboll när de ändå är i Bremen. :)
hehe..sounds good :) börjat leta lägenhet? och hur går det me jobb?
Har folk där som letar åt mig och jobb är under bearbetning.
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