Saturday, January 16, 2010

Readworthy post from SEPTEMBER 2009

It is slowly coming to it´s end, my readworthy post from the year of 2009. The 2009´s chronicle you can read HERE. Here you have the readworthy post for September 2009. The earlier you have here:
January, Febrary, March, April, May, June, July, August
It's my thoughts, celebs, funny stuff etc.
The ones with ENG on the end are in english.
  1. I LOVE Dubai
  2. Fan Vad Jag Inte Orkar Mer
  3. Katowice Airport Again ENG
  4. Visa Ord Från Agnes-Nicole Winter ENG
  5. En Fredag I Stockholm Stad ENG
  6. The Emmys Best ENG
  7. Perfect Bra ENG
  8. Beauty Hurts ENG


  1. "The ones with ENG on the end are in english."
    I think you made an mistake - I see only schwedish entries ;)
    Greetings =)

  2. well, some of them with eng are because there are a lots of pics, and some of them are mixtureäs like the one with Agnes-Nicole Winter :)

  3. and perfect bra / Katowice airport are totally in english :)


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