Soorrrry, I have so much to do everyday here in Poland, that I get out the dorr at 9-10 and come back more than 12h later. And my aunt doesn't have any internet connection anymore, because they are moving to their new-built house :/
I'll be back in Sweden tomorrow, then the regular updates will be back and of course also post about what I've done during my time in La Polonia :)
Hoppas du har det bra i Polen ocha tt du njutit av din tripp :). Kram
Waiting patiently :) Pussssss
Vickan i fucking miss u! Så sjukt mycket haha. Du måste ringa mig när du är hemma igen. På mobilen, på skype vad som helst. Var SJUKT längesen nu. Inte okej.
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