Monday, July 30, 2012

I'm alive in London ;)

I & Ola with the ship-crew; Mira, Erna
They are opening the London Bridge for us :)
 Sorry for the bad updates, but we don't have any wifi on the ship. Sitting at Tate Modern Art Museum right now (decided to take my laptop into the city today). Most of the art here is real crap..honestly. Some are nice though :)

Here are some pics from the past days from my Blackberry :) 
Trafalgar Square
 Just sailed under the London Bridge
With Ola at Joanna Saturna
Royal Arsenal Riverside Pier
Cheers from Côte Brasserie by the London City Pier
Calamaries, Moules & Kir Royales at Côte Brasserie

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