Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Maybe you shouldn't fool around with the Casino-workers?

We had such a great night at the casino yesterday. So much fun, especially with one of the guys that works there.
G: Sex ist imma gut.
V: Bist du sicher? ;P
G: hehe..ok vllt nit imma. ;)

G: Fünfa?
V: Na, aso wenn geht sechs.
G: haha..klar, willst du sechs haben? Mi ghets :P
V: haha..dann gehn wir oder? =P
Well, some other stuff happend too and the other players had some fun about us fooling around. But you know me, I don't even need alco, it's just me, strait ahead =)

His chef looked a bit weird at us in the end by the roulettetable where he was working (Me and Kayt were playing Black Jack before) and this time I didn't start it, pointing at number 6 and so on...haha...

The guy is really nice & quzite hot, but it's still not...yeah, you know who...


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