So we just ate breakfast, going out with Atos in the park soon, then we are off for some shopping, lunch and then at 16 I'm off to get my teeth bleached. So before that I need to take some pain-killers... I hate to get my teeth bleached, because I'm so sensitive, that it freakin hurts...
Tonight I have a date with my cus :) Was supposted to meet up with Mr Idiot, but he decided to go out of town, which honestly made me quite happy :D Because it means that it really will be a relaxing week-end :) Well, except of the fact that I need to wake up quite early everyday, have my hair-dresser appointment already 8 in the morning tomorrow :/
tak, w polsce wcale nie ma ostrej zimy co roku wiec nikt nie zmienia opon na zimowe. chyba nigdy nie widziałaś samochodu na letnich oponach jadącego po śniegu bo byś takich głupot nie pisała. ale dobrze pisz, pisz, przynajmniej mam co czytac i sie smiac
???? Nie wiem jak wlascicielka vloga, ale ja nie jestem w stanie zrozumiec tego belkotu.
widac jestes tak samo tepa!!!!!!!
A Ty jestes niesamowicie kulturalna osoba.
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