The night was really nice yesterday. I went out with my cuz to City Hall for some drinks, not the best idea when you are on hard painkillers... Was home about midnight, took another painkiller and went to sleep...

The alarm-clock beeped at 7AM... Hair-dresser at 8AM...zZZzzzZZ... at 11 I had my manicure for 2h. A simple french with pink Playboy bunnies :)
After that I drove to pick up my aunt for some dog-shopping; food, candies, harnesses, necklace etc.
After that we went to get some food, and then some beauty shopping, and coffee-caps for the coffee-maschine, alcohol etc.
Now, I´m so tired, so I think it will be an early night for me... Tomorrow at 12 I have some treatments schedueld at the SPA Baltica, will be soooo nice :)
Oh, did I say that the weather sucks? That my hair doesn´t look at all as if I had it done this morning...
Moim zdaniem paznokcie wiele lepiej prezentowałyby się bez tych króliczków.. ;]
też tak uważam, te króliczki to przesada i ten kolor...
haha mam takie same tylko kroliczki mam fioletowe :D Buziak Vicky!:)
hehe.. ja sadze ze sa fajne ostatnio mialam zlote :P ogolnie chcialam takie jasno rozowe ale nie bylo juz, a czarnych tez nie miala :(
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