Luckily I only bought 3 pieces... and got one bag, because the amount of my pieces was quite high... This time it was one dress from Mango Suit, one black suit jacket from Mango Suit and one dress from Mango Casual Sportwear.
Had dinner with my cuz too and were away with my aunt to visit my "grand-ma", my uncle´s mom.
So this was how my last day in Poland looked like, or last and last, I have some more stuff to do tomorrow, including getting my doggie ♥
Oki, time to sleep, need to get up at 7AM :/
Kiedy w poście o Zakopanem pisałaś "Koti" czy jakoś tak, to miałaś na myśli Maćka Kota? :D
nie nie, Koti to pressmen autow :)
Aha, nie wiedziałam :P Głupio tak trochę pytać publicznie, ale wiesz może czy Maciek ma dziewczynę?
hehe..nie ma :)
A wgl jak się można z nim skontaktować? I to prawda, że on jest przy je ba ny? xD
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