Saturday, November 28, 2009

If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.” - Victoria Beckham

Något som olika magasin har börjat med är att ha två eller flera olika omslag till varje nummer. Såklart för att få fler läsare, d.v.s. folk som köper magasinet. I decembernummret av Harper´s Bazaar kastar Victoria Beckham sina översta kläder för att posera i Dolce & Gabanna underkläder. Personligen tycker jag vissa av bilderna är riktigt snygga, medan andra inte alls tilltalar mig.
Vad tycker ni?
Och vilket av omslagen gillar ni mest?

Victoria on...

Her career:

People never believed the solo singing career, and it wasn’t the real me – I was a little bit lost at the time. I don’t mind making mistakes. I just can’t live with anyone else’s mistakes. I’m a complete control freak. I’m not the easiest person to work with because I’m so passionate and being a working mum, it’s a balancing act.

Her designer’s future:

I just want to learn as much as I can. I was always pushed into the theatre and dance – it’s just taken me a long time to figure out what I wanted to do.

Emma Watson:

So sweet, so true to herself…. There are so many young girls wearing too much make-up, too much hairspray – I find that very dated.

Her important exercise regime:

I didn’t want to rely on retouching …. I wanted to look at those pictures in 20 years’ time and say, ‘Wow, look – after three kids – I didn’t look bad.’”

"If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.”


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