Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Pursuit of Happyness

We all strive for it, happiness. I watched the Will Smith-movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, yesterday which is based on the real life of Chris Gardner. Will's son, Jaden has the other main role in the movie and he is amazing in it. 

The movie is really touching, showing how one struggle to provide the best life for ones child, how one follow ones dreams and keep fighting for what they want from life. I really recommend everyone to watch it.
The rousing, true-life story of a single dad who went from living on the streets to owning his own brokerage firm is brought to the big screen by superstar Will Smith, appearing for the first time opposite his real-life son Jaden Smith. Set in early-'80s San Francisco, the film charts the hard times and eventual comeback of Chris Gardner, a suddenly single salesman who has custody of his son, but finds that providing for the two of them is a challenge in the increasingly unstable economic climate. He struggles to work his way from unpaid intern at Dean Witter to something more substantial, even as life continues to offer him setbacks. 
Chris Gardner, Jaden, Will

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