Well, I think it is quite amusing to push your body to the limit..or over it. You feel that you will soon pass out, it starts to blacken before your eyes... what do you do? You push harder... And there you go, a sequence of your life flashes by, like you were on another level and you are out. For a couple of seconds. People coming running, what happend, what happen? Are you OK? Come lie down. So I lie down for a minute and then I sit up, take a couple of sips from your electrolytewater and you feel fine, I mean I did this, I´m quite familiar with this, lets move on...
The people ask if I´m fine, they get the sportsmed and makes a big deal of it. The sportsmed comes, and ask if everything is OK? Have you eaten today? Yeah, not much, but sure. She only looks at me and she knows the deal. "Not much". Well, I did eat, 4 chicken mcnuggets (170kcal) + sourcream sauce (100kcal) and a small apple. She just say, OK, and when? About 2, I answer. Then I got and gave plasma :) And then I came here. "Eat something before next training OK? Atleast a bar or something for the sugar, OK?" And then she went. The other worker of the Premium Club by Body & Soul still sitting with me asking if I´m OK. Yeah, I mean come on it was like almost 10 minutes ago that I fainted. "Good that you´re feeling better, but no more training for today." "Hee? So you don´t think that I can go and make 40 minutes of intervall runs on the treadmill?" "You are joking right?" "Not, really...".
Well, I listened and went to the changing room. So, why do I do this? Sometimes I understand the drug addicts, that are so stupid to try heroin, why they are doing it, that they want to feel something, something else.
The people that knows me, knows that I love to be on the edge, go to the limit. But the last period of time, there was like nothing that has made me feel that way, there´s like nothing that I really wanna do and that is something that makes a person feel, hmm.. well not alive anyway, so you want to do something, so that you know that you are, you know?
So that´s my story from my private sphere for today. How was your day? :)
I wanted to write this in swedish first, I mean, that would make less people understand it, but then my mum would, and she hates when I do this stuff, she gets like all worried and would probably treathen me with taking my Amex card, so therefore you all got to understand this "small" outlay.
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