Planica is over and so is my voice...
The trip back took little less than 11h with stops, but it wasn´t too bad, I mean I was SMS:ing during a lot of the ride..haha... I was at Karo´s place about 21, had some nice chat with her and her sis Daria, before we all went to sleep.
The next day after waking up we were driven to the centre, went for some lunch at Corleone, some Latte Macchiato at Krakow Main Square. Karo went to the hair-dresser. We went home for one hour before her dad drove us to meet up with Agata for some dinner and alcohol-free Moijitos :)
And today Daria drove me to the main station, I left my bag and went to the new shopping mall to get some stuff at Douglas and to re-fill my polish If I wasn´t loaded with my lap top and my huge bag I would totally have made some serious shopping, no it stopped at Douglas (can´t live withou my Guerlain Precious Light Illuminator) and a freshly squeezed juice :)

I took the bus to Zakopane, SMS:ing almost the whole 2h it took to get there (result=need to re-load my cell-card again). I chilled a bit in the appartment and then went to dine with Mary :) Had soem other plans too, but sometimes you get to the conclusion, that its better to call some stuff off...because of other people (Ania posluchalam twojej rady). We took at drink at Paparazzi were Jola works and then I got back to the appartment like a bit after 20. Be proud babe, this is me giving stuff up, for you ;)
Now I´ll just finish chatting with some people, and then it will be early bed-time :)
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