Sunday, March 07, 2010


Don't know what is going on, but I keep getting a lot o VIP-invitations for really cool events the last time. Like realeses, concerts etc. Well most of them taking place in Sweden as in that I'm not there I can't attend them, but this one in Oslo I will :) Sounds really great!


Anonymous said...

so what? this in oslo is nothing special. you get these kind of invitations if you are accreditated :D the same thing was last year in lahti. do you shouldn´t take yourself too serious that you get these kind of things.
i´ve got them too :D

Anonymous said...


Tylko Vicky po Polsku said...

well, now it wasn´t really that this one was an VIP, it says in the invitation that it is an regular media happening. What I thought was cool is where it is supposted to be hold. So no, I´m not thinking that I am something special because of an media invitation that most of the media-people get.