Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Shop til you drop Online ;)
Kollade på nya tv-serien Anna Anka söker assistent. Och måste säga att jag inte förstår varken killen med fru och barn hemma eller den där mamman med 4 åringen hemma. Hur fan kan man lämna sitt barn sådär? Ja, OK det gäller en kort period för just det här programmet, men om man blir Anna´s assistent (eller assistent överhuvudtaget), så kommer man jue typ ha nada typ för familjen. Och kanske OK för killen, men mamman med 4-åringen? No-Go for me, eller vad tycker ni?
Men över till shopping. Under pauserna måste man jue göra något :P Ja, självkkart kollar jag hur jag ligger i Nelly´s bikinitävling (har ni inte röstat so please do) - Top 40 nu :D Och detta fick mig på villovä Och ett par klick senare hade jag en halvfull varukorg som det så fint heter :P Utcheckningen ville dock inte fungera med mitt Amex eller med VISA Electron, så jag fick snällt gå till mamsen och be om hennes VISA-kort :D
Måste samtidigt ge ett tips till er. Market2Member, gick in på Nelly´s hemsida via de. Då får man 2,8% av pengarna tillbaka, smart va? Market2Member ha ett samarbete med olika siter, så medan du handlar får du pengar tillbaka.
Running in the Park
Coca-Cola Zero & a color pallet
Right now I am chilling...well, almost. Drinking Coca-Cola Zero (I don´t drink Light in Sweden because it tastes like shit here). I´m negociating with some companies about adds on the blog. And working on some contests for my blog-readers :) It was a time ago that I had a competition, so in the close up-coming time there will be a few nice ones :)
About the color pallet. Pink & green, I really like the combination, it is also what I wear today.
Top: Cubus
Shorts: Authentic DNM Sports
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Blogger had problems
Sweden vs. Poland
Wanted to show you Sweden´s contribution to this year´s Eurovision Song Contest. It was quite stormy, because a lot of people thought that Timotej with the song Kom should have won, and that there was a plot or something. I can just say that I am happy that Anna Bergendahl with This Is My Life won, because the song "Kom" is a bit of a plague of last years winner Alexander Rybak with fairytale with violins and so on. I think that Poland did the mistake to choose a Rybak-copy Maciej Mroziński with the song Legenda. I think that Poland would have a much betetr go with the runner-up, Ewa Cyzon "Love Me". Well listen to the songs and say what you think.
Monday, March 29, 2010
De nya Svenska Hollywoodfruarna
Såklart kollar jag på det bästa i svensk tv-väg de senaste 10 åren eller nåt ;) Maria Montazami är den enda gamla Hollywoodfrun som är kvar (och små inslag av Anna Anka då), men min största favorit Agnes-Nicole Winter är borta :( Saknar ni henne? Funderar kanske på att ta en liten update med henne efter påsk, har ni några frågor som ni skulle vilja ställa till henne?
Iaf, tillbaka till den nya säsongen. Maria Montazami är lika borta med vinden som alltid, men måste säga att i jämförelse med de nya, så börjar jag gilla henne mer och mer. Annars verkar jeu den här Päivi mest normal, fast när hon och Lena Jolton skulle välja bartenders till sin fest i första avsnittet, så trodde jag att jag skulle dö av skam. Jag tycker verkligen det är skämmigt när gamla tanter (med makar eller ej) beter sig sådär gentemot killar som skulle kunna vara deras söner...och nästan barnbarn...
Lena verkar annars vara OK, fast det känns inte riktigt som hon passar in i mallen, hon verkar jue inte ha det speciellt bra ställt, eller vad säger ni?
Sen har vi Suzanne Saperstein. Skitrik, ung pojkvän och konstig. Ja, alltså hon känns jue inte alls Hollywoodglam, fast hennes hus är jue makalöst! Eller hus, SLOTT :)
Hjälp mig vinna! Rösta på min bikini!
Would really appreciate it!
Badsäsongen närmar sie jue :)
Överskattad vs. Underskattad
Såg filmen Rumor has it.. eller Ryktet Går, som den heter på svenska på 3:an igår igen. Och ännu en gång gick det upp för mig att jag inte gillar Jennifer Aniston. Jag tycker verkligen att hon förstör alla filmer för mig. Vet inte varför, men ja jag gillar henne helt enkelt inte. Jag tycker hon är överskattad efter sin roll i Vänner. Kevin Costner spelar en av hennes två motspelare i filmen, medan den väldigt underskattade skådespelaren Mark Ruffalo, den andra. Han är även med i Shutter Island (som jag ej sett än), men även superbra filmen Just Like Heaven. Ryktet går är förövrigt en bra och underhållande film. Värd att ses.
Sarah Huttington, recently engaged, goes home to Pasadena with fiancé Jeff for a family wedding. She hears a rumor that "The Graduate" (book and movie) are based on her family. Did her grandmother and her mom have flings with the same man just before her parents married? Is she a strange man's child; does this explain why she doesn't fit in? Was her mother happy? Is she too facing a loveless marriage? Where can she seek answers: her mother's dead, her father's a pleasant naïf. Ask her salty grandma? Better to ask the man in the triangle, the real Benjamin Braddock. With Jeff's blessing, Sarah heads for San Francisco, looking for the key to her past and to her futurexoxo,
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Stjärnfabriken får 5+
Istället för att sova igår när jag stängde av datorn, så bestämnde jag mig för att läsa ut boken Stjärnfabriken som jag hållit på med ett tag nu. Den är i stil med Djävulen bär Prada, och den är väldigt svår att lägga ifrån sig. Författarna heter Clare Naylor & Mimi Hare och anses vara några av världen´s främsta chiclit författare och jag kan inte annat än hålla med. Jag älskade boken.
Inga universitetspoäng i världen hade kunnat förbereda Lizzie för hennes nya jobb på den berömda filmagenturen The Agency i Hollywood. Där möts megastjärnor och wannabees, mäktiga producenter, regissörer, manusförfattare och andra kändisar.I liked the book so much, that I just clicked home the following up novel "The First Assistant" from Ebay :D
Lizzie är van vid det politiska livet i Washington DC där hon praktiserat i den amerikanska kongressen. Hennes liv tar en chockartad vändning när hon istället börjar arbeta som assistent åt assistenten till den ryktbare Scott Wagner agenten som kan dra in kontrakt värda 30 miljoner dollar åt sina kändisar men inte hämta sitt kaffe själv Plötsligt finner sig Lizzie i nöjesbranschens nav, mitt bland designerkläder, nyckfulla kändisar och snabba affärer.
My fav Desperate Housewives part all times
It is from season 4, Eddie and Gabby competing who is the best looking chic in a bar :)
So, are the Austrian girls good looking?
Whitney Port gets sued!
It's going good for Whit with her clothign line and the successful MTV show The City, but now she has her first real bump on the road. She is beeing sued by designer Adrienne Baravetto.
A lawsuit filed by designer Adrienne Baravetto, who claims she helped Port design and launch her line (then called Eve & A) starting in 2007. Baravetto alleges she had an oral agreement with Port and her father, including a $80,000 yearly salary plus a 25 percent stake in the company. Baravetto also alleges that she did virtually all the design work and that the Ports haven’t paid her a dime. Port’s lawyer Michael A. Taitelman tells PEOPLE:
“The lawsuit that Adrienne Baravetto filed on March 19, 2010 against Whitney Eve, Inc., Whitney Port and others regarding the Whitney Eve clothing line is baseless and without merit. Whitney Port is, and always has been, the designer of Whitney Eve. Baravetto worked for Whitney Eve for a short period of time ending in early 2008. For more than two years, she has been silent. For reasons that we will uncover, she has decided to make these unsubstantiated allegations at this time. The defendants will vigorously defend themselves, and upon the successful conclusion of this lawsuit in their favor, they intend to hold Baravetto and her counsel accountable for their reckless conduct.”
“Ms. Baravetto did the heavy lifting for these designs and she just wants to get paid fairly.” says Baravetto’s attorney Peter Maretz.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
A long power-nap
Now I´m eating some watermellon *yummie*.
Earth Hour tonight
Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the, Sydney Harbour Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.
In March 2009, hundreds of millions of people took part in the third Earth Hour. Over 4000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative.
Earth Hour 2010 takes place on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm (local time) and is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to Asia to the Americas will stand in darkness. People across the world from all walks of life will turn off their lights and join together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common – our planet.
More info
Rainy Day
Friday, March 26, 2010
Jacuzzi ♥ Shall we Dance?
So who are you cheering for? Matthias or Claudia?
Quick ones by moi
5 Bands/Musicians I’ve been Listening to a lot:
- Melanie Fiona
- Lady Gaga
- Alicia Keys
- Beyonce
- Rihanna
5 Things I’m Currently Addicted To:
5 Biggest Celebrity Crushes:
- Fernando Torres
- James Lafferty
- Chase Crawford
- Stavros Niarchos
- Brody Jenner
Your Dream Future: 1 Job/1 City/1 Car/1 Pet/1 Spouse
- Job: Designer
- City: Los Angeles
- Car: Porsche Cayenne Turbo S
- Pet: Horse
- Spouse: The One
5 Things that Always Cheer Me Up:
- Sunlight
- Travel
- People
- Animals
- Shopping
5 TV Shows You’ve Seen Every Episode of:
- Gossip Girl
- The Simple Life
- One Tree Hill
- Desperate Housewives
- 90210
Five Movies I could Watch Over:
- Moulin Rouge
- A Knight's Tale
- Mean Girls
- Titanic
- 10 Things I Hate About You
5 Things About Me:
- I love sushi
- I hate horse raddish in any form
- If I get petersille in my food I won't eat it
- I 've been horse back riding for 15 years
- I have a fear of falling down from stairs, when walking them
Five Places I want to Visit (or revisit):
- Bali
- Hawaii
- Mexico
- Japan
- Moscow
I have Tumblr
I don't know if you are familiar with it, but it is a type of easy blogging. And I've followed some people on it for quite a while now, and like one week ago I decided to start one myself. Through Vicky's Eyes. Check it out and say what you think :) It's like quotes, pics, videos etc :)
...and yes, I've arrived in Sweden now :) Quite tired though, after only 4 hours sleep this night.
Packed and ready to take-off
Thursday, March 25, 2010
It took me about five seconds and the the words started to pop out about where I was, and what I was doing. Just like that. Amazing.
Then I was off to my russian. The teacher was sick, so we had a stand-in, a good one :) (I normally hate the stand-ins, because they suck). Russian went good too, except from the fact that we got a vast amount of homework for the easter-break.