Monday, June 18, 2007

Lista ännu en del :)

I’ve been lost in my home-town []
I’ve seen a falling star [x]
I’ve done things I’ve regret [x] I think you regret some things a bit, but nothing really much
I’ve not done a thing and then had regrets about it [x] many times
I’ve made a wish when I saw the falling star [x]
I’ve been in a pulic place in my pyjama []
I’ve pushed all the buttons in a elevator[x]
I’ve pushed the stop-button in a elevator (when not needed) [x]
I’ve kicked a guy between his legs []
I’ve hit a guy [x]
I’ve hit a girl [x] well, you didn't wanna talk shit about me in junior hig ;)
I’ve been in a casino[x]
I’ve parachuted from a plane [ ] but I want to :D
I’ve played truth or dare [x]
I’ve had sex outside [x]
I’ve drunk a whole liter of milk in an hour [ ]
I had a car-collision []
I’ve been part of an role-play [x]
I’ve met someone from the net in real life [x]
I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue [x]
I’ve been sitting on a roof in the night [x]
I’ve made a april joke on someone [x]
I’ve went by taxi [x]
I’ve eaten sushi .[x]
I’ve had champagne-breakfast [x]
I’ve been snowboarding [x]

I’m single and totally happy with it [x]
I’ve been on a blind-date [ ]
I’ve been engaged [ ]
I’ve been dumped more often than I’ve dumped someone myself []
I think it’s hard to dumped someone [x]
I miss someone right now [x]
I’m scared to be abandon. [x] aren’t we all?
I’ve been unfaithful in a relationship []
I’ve been in love with someone that wasn’t in love with me [ ]
I’ve said that I love someone and lied [ ] I don’t use that 3 words
I’ve said I didn’t loved someone and lied []
I’ve saved something from an old relationship [x] do photos count?


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