Now we have a banquet, so see you tomorrow.
It's you and me movingpuSS,
At the speed of light into eternity yer,
Tonight is the night to join me in the middle of ecstasy.
Feel the melody in the rhythm of the music around you, around you
I'm gonna take you there, I'm gonna take you there
So don't be scared
I'm right here baby
We can go anywhere, go anywhere
But first it's your chance,
Take my hand come with me
It's like I've waited my whole life for this one night
It's gonna be me you and the dance floor
'cause we've only got one night
Double your pleasure
Double your fun and dance
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever girl forever
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever (ever, ever)
Forever on the dance floor
Feels like we're on another level
Feels like our loves intertwined,
We can be two rebels breaking the rules
me and you, you and I
All you got to do is watch me
Look what I can do with my feet
Baby feel the beat inside,
I'm driving you can take the front seat
Just need you to trust me
Oh ah oh
It's like!
It's a long way down,
We're so high off the ground,
Sending for an angel to bring me your heart
Girl, where did you come from?
Got me so undone,
Gazing in your eyes got me singing what a beautiful lady
No "if"s, "and"s or "maybe"s
I'm releasing my heart and it's feeling amazing
There's no one else that matters
you love me and I won't let you fall girl
Let you fall girl oh
Ah ah ye yer
I won't let you fall, let you fall
Let you fall oh oh
Yer yer
Yer yer
It's Like!
Oh ah ah ah ah ah
Forever (ever, ever, ever)
Forever ever ah.
Look into my eyes - you will see- I would sacrifice
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
Look into your heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all
Jag: Carolina, vad i helvete ska jag göra. Jag måste gå ner i vikt. 8 kilo måste jag gå ner. Du är ju bra på det här!Carolina: Sluta ät.
Jag: Va?
Carolina: Sluta ät och sluta träna.
Jag: Du skämtar, va?! Jag springer ju för fan 7 kilometer om dagen och äter kykling och tonfisk om vart annat. Men jag går inte ner. Jag går upp!
Carolina: Jag vet. Jag gjorde exakt samma sak. Jag gick upp. Du ska äta lite och ta det lugnt. Då blir du smal.
Jag: Alkohol?
Carolina: Det går bra.
Jag: Men vad är grejen med att alla hetsar om att man ska träna då?
Carolina: Fråga mig inte. Jag skrev i min blogg att jag slutade träna och slutade äta och det blev ett jävla liv. Men jag blev smal. Ha ha!
Jag: Men det är ju toppen!
Carolina: Jag vet!
And it seems to me you lived your lifepuSS,
Like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset
When the rain set in
And your footsteps will always fall here
Along Austria's greenest hills
Your candle's burned out long before
Your legend ever will
Loveliness we've lost
These empty days without your smile
This torch we'll always carry
For our nation's golden child
And even though we try
The truth brings us to tears
All our words cannot express
The joy you brought us through the years
Elton John - Candle in the Wind